Year: 2019


Self Initiated Work – A door opener

Have you ever approached someone you don’t know for work? He/She is most likely going to request to see your portfolio. Up till when I got this request for my portfolio, I was working with people I know and friends of friends. I didn’t have any cohesive piece of work to share as a portfolio, […]

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Birthday Surprise – Happy endings

Most people I know celebrate birthdays and its even more special when you receive gifts from loved ones. A lady wanted to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday, she approached me for ideas of what I think her boyfriend may love (a guys point of view). Singlets and boxers are over used gifts though wonderful […]

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Sketching – a productivity tool

The best artists sketch their ideas as roughly as possible to brainstorm and make decisions about what concept will work better, saving a lot of productive time. I was interested in creating high fidelity sketches so I decided to search for a drawing book, I found “Fun with a Pencil” – Andrew Loomis And boy […]

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Helping a friend – story of Nord Royale

A friend approached me sometime back to help her sell some smock and Northern Kente by marketing it to my friends. An idea came to mind that I should present them in a very attractive way and test the market, instead of just taking raw photographs and sharing on my whatsapp status. The idea was […]

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Starting Up Alert Ghana and Failing

I have been working on Alert Ghana for a while now and over a period of three years I  have pivoted several times trying to figure out what I really want to do. I am a self taught web designer & developer and graphic designer in Ghana, I love creating and experimenting with new things. […]

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Hwentia Ghana

Providence has its own way of bringing in new work. I wanted to get to the supermarket to buy a few things before they close, trudging on clumsily with two silk screens in hand a well-built gentleman sitting in front of his stall called me. Do you design, he asked? I nodded in confirmation. I […]

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Machine Restoration

Business partnership don’t always have a glamorous ending, some end in disappointment and loss of friendship, this is a summary of one. Ryan (not his real name) had just quit a venture he started with a business partner. Ryan was the investor (he invested in getting all equipment and machinery needed to make high quality […]

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I made a turn in life, you can do it too.

Everyone makes a turn in life at some point, at least once, I have personally made turns a number of times in my life. This is not a post where I go chronologically into my curriculum vitae, my trajectory in life has not been a straight line, there have been ups and there have been […]

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ICGC way finding signage

International Central Gospel Church is a large religious organization in Ghana, in 2018, Akusika (my mentor) and I had an opportunity to serve one of their branches. They had just completed their new block to house the church office and children services. The church needed a way finding signage system and they contacted Akusika to do the […]

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