International Central Gospel Church is a large religious organization in Ghana, in 2018, Akusika (my mentor) and I had an opportunity to serve one of their branches. They had just completed their new block to house the church office and children services. The church needed a way finding signage system and they contacted Akusika to do the job. We visited the branch and met with the pastor, whose input in collaboration with his staff helped us come up with the final product.

Getting the Materials

To make the door signs we needed one main material, Aluco board (a composite panel consisting of two aluminium cover sheets and a mineral-filled polymer core). The door signs could be done on wood but our client opted for a clean silver finish, hence the use of Aluco board. Akusika designed the signs indicating the parts that had to be engraved and the parts that needed to be cut.

I bought an aluco board and  transported it to be cut and engraved.


To stick the sign on the head jamb of the door, we used silicon as the adhesive and it worked pretty well.

Find below pictures of the way finding signage.

Joshua Kyere

Joshua is a Creative designer with a traditional background in visual design. A website developer (designing and developing WordPress themes). An entrepreneur and small business enthusiast.

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